Sitemap - 2024 - Grassroots Economist

Endowments, Islamic Finance and Stable Coins

Cowrie Shells, Bride Prices and Patriarchy

Three Sisters Meet a FunGuy

How Mycorrhizal Networks Inspire Healthy State Governance

A Deeper Understanding of Mutual Credit

Cultivating the Future

Fungi Do It Too

Money is a Roman Traditional Practice

Beyond the Myth of Indigenous Altruism

Animals do it too

Bees: British Indigenous Non-Monetary Resource Coordination Practices

Corvées: Resource Coordination in Ancient and Modern France

Rediscovering Christian Communal Roots

Islamic (Wafq) and Jewish (Kibbutz)

From Ireland (Meitheal) to Kenya (Mweria)

Social Infrastructure

Business Models

Patterns of Intentional Communities

The Wisdom of Onmyoji

Navigating Disruptive Group Dynamics

Economics of Public Safety

Econophysics Colloquium

Barter & Beyond

🗣️➡️👥 Signaling for Effective Group Facilitation

Don't you Get-It!?

Unmasking Social Predatory Cooperation

Cybernetics - Viable Systems Model

Intro to Commitment Pools

Speaking Peace into Existence

Dependent Co-Arising: Pratītyasamutpāda

Communicating Value

Strategies for Defense and Peace

On Tax Avoidance and Poverty

Sharing for Kids

The Holonic Nature of Collective Intention

We are Better Together

Healing Networks

Balance through Radical Participation

Catan - Commitment Pooling

Healthy Organizational Structures

Dear Monetary Apologists

$ Seeding Gardens

Recognizing Legitimacy

Cyber-Social Formalization for Ancestral Wisdom

Peering and Pooling across Disciplines

From Scalar to Vector Units of Account

Nurturing Synergies through Structural Tension