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I had to try out the shadow/aid exercise on this one :)

Mutual Destruction: an economic system built on the colonial foundation of ‘humans are superior to nature, let’s extract nature for limitless material success’ focuses on solving every last problem for individuals to extract nature & society into private bank accounts. The hidden flaw is that we are unaware that in enabling organisations (corporations, glocal NGOs, states’) to hold onto trust and thus money and power, we are building on a perverse colonial foundation.

Mutual Aid: we replace the colonial foundation of development with a living systems foundation of development. We focus on developing the unique potential of each place/bioregion to meet the needs of its human and nonhuman communities. We pool glocal skills, resources, networks and experiences to restore and regenerate local relationships between people and between humans and nonhuman entities- enabling them to contribute towards the greater purpose of thriving their place. So, instead of enabling organisations to hold onto money and power, money is used to build community/place power and thus trust in local economies that may trade between each other to meet all needs.

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