Interesting Will. I’ve been pondering a similar question? Can we purchase the freedom of land? You know from the domineering colonial pressures of ‘property’ to the living systems flow of abundance and stewardship?

Colonial rulers knew that land is the foundation of life on earth. So, their first task was to change land tenure systems to govern land for extraction, then govern people to work to extract and build extractive socio-economic systems. To truly dismantle colonial systems of injustice, we have to go back to the roots. Which means governing land for stewardship. I think this is one of the best systems change strategies – if we steward the land, we steward our souls, communities, and systems.

By nurturing common assets and collective governance, we build power for local communities to defend their place’s natural essence against extractive companies and systems.

So, rather than extracting communities, how can tech coordinate stewarding places. I went through a similar calculation and saw that for example at just ~$20 one can buy the freedom of 1 square meter of land. Then how can we gamify this to involve people. This is an ambitious initiative am working on - the goal is to restore a reclaimed wetland here in Kampala.

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Agreed. Same concept with land. To free it from capitalist ownership - just like ourselves we need to create networks of stewardship akin to mutual aid. The notion of Purchasing Freedom - where the Empire then taxed people into plantation work - needs to not be repeated. I'm learning from the movement toward land trusts and would love to year what you are doing in Kampala (I'll be there end November).

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Still very early stage, but sure, would love to chat live. Lots to learn from your work. I'm at asemakula@gmail.com. Thank you.

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Good Work Will. Very interested in running a controlled experiment.

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