May 30Liked by Will Ruddick

Tx Will - valuable guide. Everyone working in community are faced with these challenges, sometimes more often than not.

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Thank you. This is very relevant! Many of these scenarios can't happen in the shamanic Talking circles. If you are interested in the process, they are mentioned in the flowing share: https://nadimregen.medium.com/sacred-power-the-creative-tension-between-order-and-chaos-f509cc1b9603

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Thanks for the link. I totally agree that we need to cultivate environments like you mentioned (nice post) where these roles are unnecessary / intrinsic.

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May 29Liked by Will Ruddick

i like this for its detail, and in bringing up a valuable issue.

tools like Circle Way, and to some extent NVC provide strong positive mechanisms to create a space collaboration is fostered. this includes hard structures that are totally impersonal, as well as education for individuals as to how to communicate effectively when they have unmet needs. specifically NVC focuses on the ability to communicate emotion effectively,, and is a great internal tool as well as external tool.

having worked with many different groups,, what causes me actual anxiety reading this is the extraordinary power over manner in which such a technique can be used. it is a great journey and a deeply respectable one to be honoured with such titles.

circle way and nvc both take time to learn as individuals, and circle way especially blossoms when used regularly by a consistent set of members of a team. such strong titles and goals that remove participants from the group dynamic with meta roles are at the greatest value i think where groups of diverse people are coming together for only a short time

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Yeah, it's heavy to have roles like this and could be restrictive ... generally a responce to serious disruption or people that are chronically or purposefully going out of their way to cause discord. I once had to work with someone to get a drug induced dude to stop heckeling at a NVC workshop.

I love NVC and Circle Way, but sometimes they aren't enough, (esp. in random settings) and when Bob keeps talking for 45 minutes. Roles can really be ceremonial as well as rotational. That people feel comfortable (because they were mentioned) to point out when someone is talking over somone, being derogatory or categorical etc. is nice to open that door in a kind way.

Btw, I especially like taking the rules from these various practices and just turning them into short one pagers ... Remove all the branding and mystique.

I'm sure these roles and scenarios are common in some training technique.... I just want help and to make it as simple as possible.

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