I am interested in seeing if we could do this, in our bioregion in Western North Carolina. Mountains, rivers, tourists. A strong biomedicinal industry with regional and technological advantages eager to try out a give 2 invest model that might plug in well with Serafu’s mutual aid, playing the role of the Danish Red Cross

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Many places to start. One is looking at all the service offerings in the area already and formalizing them in a poolable structure. I.e. have them all create a voucher, subscription, gift card on-chain. Give each a drawing right, and seed the pool. Shoot me a message info@grassecon.org

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Apr 28Liked by Will Ruddick

Thank you Mr. Ruddick, for this and all of your many efforts on behalf of the human collective. Your commitment to the success of others and your contributions toward this end have made a considerable impact on the minds and lives of those around you.

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Those who understand the circular economy and with the ways & means to hear, to see, to process the importance of the Wellness Weavers’ wholistic wellbeing model are invited to be “Grandmothered In”. Here’s how you can begin to learn more & connect on our common terms. https://www.wellnessweavers.net

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